Digital Agora Process: Streamline your business processes

Upgrade your Digital Agora platform with the Process module. Digitize your business processes, making it easier for your employees to work. Provide them with easy access to these processes through the intranet or mobile phones. 

Configurable platform for process digitalization

Digital Agora Process is a configurable development platform with a comprehensive set of features that enable easy digitalization of various business processes, including travel and fleet management, order approvals, employee work tracking, and internal purchase orders. 

Integration with Other Systems

Digitalization of business processes also involves working with various systems. Software developed using the Digital Agora Process platform enables easy integration with other applications. 

Effortless System Approvals

Streamline system approvals for expenses, purchase orders, and timesheets with a single click in Digital Agora app on a mobile phone, eliminating the need to log into separate back-end systems. 

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